Monday 17 December 2007

Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greetings

On behalf of everyone here at Balance may we wish you a very

Merry Christmas!

Health, love, peace, and an injury free 2008 to you all!

We appreciate your custom and ongoing support. We want to assure you that we will be continuing to work hard to improve every aspect of our business to provide you with the best value and most effective service in the country.

Jingle Bells - Kettlebells now available to buy at Balance

We now stock and can provide you with Russian kettlebells produced for us by London Kettlebells.The majority of people who search Google for kettlebells in the uk end up at the business of Ken Liu and Steve Aish to make their online purchases.

Because we now act as London Kettlebells retail outlet you can benefit from the same low prices without the cost of delivery by picking up from us. Even more importantly than saving money you can learn how to train effectively with this excellent piece of equipment.
  • Call Jonathan Lewis on 07960861267, email him on or contact the reception team at Balance on 020 7627 2308 and tell us your requirements.
Try before you buy
Because the coaches of Balance have good and intelligent experiences in the Russian kettlebell training system you can trust us to provide you with the best guidance when selecting the right weight bell to buy and how to use it most effectively.

Do not assume that every trainer out there claiming to be a kettlebell coach can do this.

If your trainer is not spending their time grounding you in the swing, clean, snatch and jerk, has not taken you through or talked about the importance of a joint mobility programme, and does not combine bodyweight drills and athletic movement skills in your programme - you need to ask them why.

Call Jonathan Lewis on 07960861267, email him on or contact the reception team at Balance on 020 7627 2308 to arrange a 15 minute "try before you buy" session.

Open Day December 1st 2007

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Open Day of Saturday December 1st. It was great to see so many new faces and show you a little of what we have to offer.

For many who have never stepped inside a Back pain and sports injury clinic in London before we hope it set a benchmark for you, an expectation for the kind of team and facility that you need when you are in pain or have been injured.

For those who have had treatment from physiotherapists, an osteopath or chiropractic previously we're sure the difference was noticeable and you recognised the greater opportunity you have for betterment at Balance with the health and fitness professionals that work in the team.

Street Physio was enjoyed by the people out parading Clapham High Street: Ato Chandler and Sally Murray spread the word on the day to explain the Balance approach and how much more effective this approach is in providing:

***long term solutions to back pain,
***treatment and prevention of sports injuries
***an optimal period of recovery, strengthening and return to full duties and activities following surgery

Back at Balance's Headquarters some of our large team of physiotherapists and our podiatrist were on hand to answer the varied and common questions that people have in relation to their aches, pains, injuries, stiff joints and inflexible frames. Whether sporting, occupational, medical, health or fitness related Balance approaches your problem as one of human performance.

Strength, conditioning and fitness team.

As is becoming ever more the case people were curious to find out more about Russian Kettlebell training, why it is receiving so much attention in the media and is being brought into mainstream gyms.

Since we have been using kettlebells for so long, have gained our knowledge over a prolonged period of time, direct from the people who really know, we are able to give a much clearer picture of the kettlebells benefits and its correct use. Not to mention the other essential tool we have to powerfully develop our athleticism - our own bodyweight.

Rees Collings set up a great food display to challenge peoples perceptions of what's good, bad and ugly in our day time snacking rituals.

Sports massage
Lynn Rae - possibly the most hardworking person of the day - was kept busy demonstrating her deep tissue skills for what seemed like the whole 4 hours. She represented a large team of individuals who provide soft tissue massage at Balance, only taking breaks for mince pies and champagne - unsanctioned by Rees.

Pilates Sanctuary
Many came specifically to visit the Pilates Sanctuary and Julia and Alice are sure to be having a busy New Year as you all start a fresh, in pursuit of greater health and fitness.

For anyone who didn't know that we now have an equipped studio for small group and individual pilates teaching call Julia Skene-Wenzel on 07903236088.

It was great to see the professional set up that is Cycle Fit come south from Covent Garden to spend the day with us.

We already work closely together combining our knowledge of biomechanics and the movement issues and injuries cyclists are vulnerable to with CycleFit's inside out knowledge of putting bike and human together in synchrony. Despite this collaboration it was invaluable to have them with us to help our cyclists and triathletes understand how essential it is to fit the bike to the individual.

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